Sunday, February 15, 2015

Code4Lib Day 3 - Closing Sessions

Following Andromeda Yelton's keynote I attended two more sessions before the end of the conference: the third lightning round and an Ask Anything session where a group of about 10 people bounced questions off of one another.

Lightning Talks III

OpenGeoMetadata - This is a project that attempts to address the problem in that no one creates metadata and no one shares metadata.  The project uses GitHub as a platform, utilizes an extendable schema and is standard agnostic.  There are shared toolkits in python and ruby.

IIIF Image Field Drupal module - This was a demo of method of integrating images from a repository into Drupal.

Clustering Moving Image Works - This presentation described a user's problem with multiple formats or groupings of formats of different items.  The presenter was hoping someone might have some good ideas.

Islandora Fedora 4 - In this presentation the Islandora digital asset framework was described working on the current version of the Fedora digital repository software.

Measure the Future - By far my favorite of this round of lightning talks, the presenter described his efforts of working with SparkFun to create cheap and open hardware with open source software for tracking library usage.  The system will be designed to use machine vision tracking to anonymously track physical usage of a building.  It could be used to evaluate stack usage and plan staffing.  They will eventually have open tutorials on installation, configuration and usage.  They are also working to make sure that there are no privacy concerns.  We could use this to evaluate stack usage.  Plan staffing.

Low-Hanging Fruit of Web Accessibility - This was a nice, short presentation encouraging users to check their website for accessibility concerns.  One of the easiest ways to test your website for accessibility is to try and browse it without using a mouse and see how frustrating the experience is.

Planning for the Data Schlep - This was generally a discussion of moving data from one environment to another.  The presenter recommended not to treat the code that you write to do this as disposable, but rather as code that you will be testing.  He also recommended tools that he used for the process, indicating that others would work as well.

Archiving the silenced - The presenter created a database to present information about the history of eugenics in Alberta ( A quick demonstration of the site was pretty impressive

The Great Migration: Fedora 4 - This presentation described the need to upgrade installations of the Fedora repository software from version 3 to version 4 and some resources to assist users in doing this.

Ask Anything

I found this to be a valuable session where attendees were able to ask others about problems they have.  I asked for advice about a server upgrade I need to do and got some very good advice which I intend to follow.

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