Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Gaming for Adults

Martin House and Mark Engelbrecht, Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County presented in this session that described how the library implemented an adult gaming program (both video games and board games).  They got a grant and bought high-end laptops, games, and accessories as well as board games.  They had a lot of success, particularly with getting lower-income people who typically were not library users into the library for their events and many of them were over 26 years old.  Based on their descriptions, although it sounds like a really neat program that worked well for their community, it may not work particularly well in Winnetka, at least for adults.  The program was not particularly successful in the affluent, urban area, possibly because they already had the equipment at home or didn't see that the Library was somewhere where they'd want to go to do this.

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