Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Computers in Libraries 2010 Day 3 - Ebooks : Lanscape & Implications

This penultimate session for me at Computers in Libraries 2010 was ok, but I didn't get a whole lot of new information from it. It largely summarized the world of ebooks. For me, the best part of the presentation was done by someone who wasn't there, Jason Griffey from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, who had to be somewhere else and recorded a brief talk in advance which was played on the screen. The main thing I found interesting from that was his assertion that eBook devices are headed towards a state as mass-produced commodities that will be cheap and that the platforms will be important. He suggested two platforms in particular of which I was not particularly familiar: a social platform for books and, a software solution for ebooks from Ray Kurzweil.

Griffey also predicted that a time was coming when publishers would abandon DRM as has been largely done in the world of digital music sales. I can only hope that he is correct in that matter.

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