Monday, April 12, 2010

Computers in Libraries Day 1 - Achieving Org 2.0

This was a good session led by Meredith Farkas from Norwich University.  The sentiment expressed early in this session which somehow provides the message of the session in a nutshell is: "Web 2.0 technologies are often seen as free as in beer, when more likely they are free as in kittens."

The first part of the presentation expressed a variety of caveats about web 2.0 implementations such as having one person do all of your blogging/twittering with involvement from no one else (the so-called "Lone Ranger syndrome") so when they decide to move on to greener pastures your excellent blog/twittering dries up and dies like a plant moved from the Amazon rainforest to the Sahara desert.

Instead web 2.0 needs to become a part of a library's culture and for the technologies to work libraries need to understand them, understand the users, and trust the technologies.  The greater the comprehension and buy-in from everyone, the greater the success of web 2.0 implementations will be.

A challenging presentation with many good points.

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